well ... I wrote 12 names on pieces of paper , mixed them up and Jerry picked Cathy of One Pink Goose . http://onepinkgoose.blogspot.com/ Cathy has a great blog full of her wonderful drawings You really should visit her blog ,web site and etsy shop
so .....
Thank you to EVERYONE!!!!!! We'll do it again sometime soon
Oh Wow....I am so overcome. My luck has turned at last. Thank you so much Sandy for Jerry picking me as the giveaway winner. I am thrilled to be the proud owner to be of your lovely kitty picture. I have a spot just where I want to put it. I will send you my address asap.
This is the second time I have won a giveaway so I will have to host one of my blog soon to give everyone else a chance. Once again a great big thank you Sandy.
Hi Cathy .... [since you are in England ] ... I wonder if you know who Jerry is I'm glad you won , happy to know this kitty will be going on a long trip to YOU.
and Denise you're a happy loser ha ha [ said with love ] couldn't resist saying that . thanks for the song !
Thanks everyone for being such good losers. Your turn next...lol. No Sandy, I don't know who Gerry is. I thought he was a puppet that you had in your home. Who is he then?
I live in Connecticut with one husband and 4 cats. I have work for sale in my Etsy shop and in galleries in the U.S. If you have any questions about a specific piece .... please email me . My work is considered as Contemporary Folk Art or sometimes as outsider art. One of my paintings is in the permanent collection of The Hurn Museum of Contemporary Folk Art in Georgia. My paintings have appeared in Raw Vision magazine and Folk Art messenger magazine .
Cavalier Gallery...... 2007 - 2011
Christopher Park Gallery. [ currently ]
The Beverly Kaye Gallery. [ currently ]
Checkered House Gallery [ 2007 - 2010 ]
America Oh Yes [ 2005 - 2008 ]
Greenwich Workshop ... [ Top 40 small works 2008 and 2009 ]
All work is copyright protected ...
thank you.
and thank you for visiting .
leave a comment .
I would love to hear from you .
Oh Wow....I am so overcome. My luck has turned at last. Thank you so much Sandy for Jerry picking me as the giveaway winner. I am thrilled to be the proud owner to be of your lovely kitty picture. I have a spot just where I want to put it. I will send you my address asap.
This is the second time I have won a giveaway so I will have to host one of my blog soon to give everyone else a chance. Once again a great big thank you Sandy.
Yea Cathy! Yea Sandy!
For She's a Jolly Good Fellow,
For She's a Jolly Good Fellow,
For She's a Jolly Good Fe-el-low...
Which Nobody Can Deny!
Hi Cathy .... [since you are in England ] ... I wonder if you know who Jerry is
I'm glad you won , happy to know this kitty will be going on a long trip to YOU.
and Denise you're a happy loser
ha ha [ said with love ] couldn't resist saying that .
thanks for the song !
Yay! {^_^}
congratulations cathy!
you are so lucky!
:) melissa
Way to go Cathy!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!
Thanks everyone for being such good losers. Your turn next...lol. No Sandy, I don't know who Gerry is. I thought he was a puppet that you had in your home. Who is he then?
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