Our house is pretty old ... built in the early 40's . A cape cod . Fifteen years ago I was so excited because we replaced all the old wood windows [ that didn't open ] ....... How was I to know that 15 years later they would all be bad again .... you know ... fogged up so I can't see outside and these don't open or close now .... so I'm right back where I was ... [ frustrated ]............ well , now .... ah .... I find this very depressing . ...The window over our kitchen sink was the worst , ready to fall out of the house . We spent a little extra to have this one replaced with a boxed out garden type of window . I have to paint it ... I have to think of what to do with it to make it pretty , but I love it . I don't have a dishwasher , but I don't mind washing dishes and looking out on my backyard ....[ which needs a lot of work too .... ha ha ] but I remember to look at just the beauty of the trees and the sky . The heavens declare the glory of God .
I thought I would show you my new BIG window over my sink.
I just have to live with the other fogged up windows ..... it reminds me of that last scene in "It's a Wonderful Life ." You know where the that wood thing comes off the staircase and Jimmy Stewart doesn't mind ... I think he even says he loves it ! I still love our cozy little house with all it's flaws [ some serious , some not ]
Just curious > Tell me what you put up with in your house that you wish SO much you could get fixed ????? I'm just being nosey .[ as my mother would say ]