I'm so happy with this .
remember this ?
I had drawn her on a thin [expensive ] paper so I knew she would have to be under glass , but I was stuck on how to present her .
PRAYER works ! God helps . God listens . I believe God inspires and guides us and then we can rejoice with him . I know .... it's only a drawing but these are my moments with the Lord and I then hope it will bring some happiness to the viewer
ANYWAY ..... the inspiration was to put her in a large mat and then CONTINUE the drawing on the mat.
so I am feeling pretty happy right now
What do you think ???? The Lord and I would like to know !
also .... I don't have a title . any ideas ????
That was just the best idea. It's so clever to bring the tree out onto the mat. I love it. Name? Treeva comes to mind.
P E R F E C T... It was great before, but now it's like - damn!
It's amazing Sandy. I love it.
LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!
As for a title....hmmm..."The growth of innocents" or "The nature of innocents"???
oh my goodness sandy!
you are a genius! and you make that look so easy! it is not!
sandy, i'm giving you and God two thumbs up!!!
how about "divine inspiration"...
Oh, Sandy. This is very strikingly beautiful. I've run out of adjectives for "beautiful". What a problem to have, huh?
What a great team you and God make!
Blessings and hugs,
This is really great and what you wrote ... I really needed to read that just at that exact moment.
PS. Talk about thinking outside the box!
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