I am madly painting wild , crazy and hopefully funny things for Miami . I have to ship everything out on THIS Monday . So ... here are the Girls on a night out in Miami this is in a large frame 18 x 38 inches Please tell me if you laughed did it make you laugh ???????? oh I hope so
Wow Sandy. I can hardly keep up with the amount of artwork you produce. I have only been away a week and you have done all these wonderful artworks. I am lost for words..well, not really. Fabulous. I love the two ladies and I did have a really good laugh. I love the expression of the one on the right.
If I had to pick a favourite it would have to be the boy with the bird on his head. I love drawing birds on heads as well and this one is super cute. As for the lady who has spread out onto the mat. She is looking wonderful. Have a great, if busy, week.
I live in Connecticut with one husband and 4 cats. I have work for sale in my Etsy shop and in galleries in the U.S. If you have any questions about a specific piece .... please email me . My work is considered as Contemporary Folk Art or sometimes as outsider art. One of my paintings is in the permanent collection of The Hurn Museum of Contemporary Folk Art in Georgia. My paintings have appeared in Raw Vision magazine and Folk Art messenger magazine .
Cavalier Gallery...... 2007 - 2011
Christopher Park Gallery. [ currently ]
The Beverly Kaye Gallery. [ currently ]
Checkered House Gallery [ 2007 - 2010 ]
America Oh Yes [ 2005 - 2008 ]
Greenwich Workshop ... [ Top 40 small works 2008 and 2009 ]
All work is copyright protected ...
thank you.
and thank you for visiting .
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Yeah you made me laugh... you silly girl you. I even showed it to Brian and he thought it was a real kick in the pants..LOLOLOLOLOL. :)
hi sandy!
oh it is wonderful. it made me laugh too. your work makes me very happy!
Thank you Melissa and Theresa
I they laugh and BUY it in Florida !
I HOPE they laugh and buy it in Florida
They're funny AND cute!
They're great.
Thanks Dulcette !
Yep! Made me laugh. I am sure they will love it in Florida.
YES! I laughed. Especially since I saw the top of the ladies and then their...FINS! You crafty girl, you!
Serious fun!
Ha Thank you everybody
Yes, the funniest is when I scrolled down and saw their fishtails! And the expressions...You are hilarious!
This has the most wonderful personality. It's so charming. I think I know these people...fish...people...fish...
heeeeeheeee!! I love them!!!
Wow Sandy. I can hardly keep up with the amount of artwork you produce. I have only been away a week and you have done all these wonderful artworks. I am lost for words..well, not really. Fabulous. I love the two ladies and I did have a really good laugh. I love the expression of the one on the right.
If I had to pick a favourite it would have to be the boy with the bird on his head. I love drawing birds on heads as well and this one is super cute. As for the lady who has spread out onto the mat. She is looking wonderful. Have a great, if busy, week.
Thank you ....ALL
Your comments lift my spirits all the time !
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