Please leave a comment HERE on this post .
I am giving away this set of Cupcake greeting cards!
These are blank 6 x 9 cards , pen and ink illustrations , colored pencil.
So leave me a comment and tell me .......
Tell me how much money you have !
Only kidding
Tell me how old you are !
only kidding
Tell me which card you like the best .
You can see each one ... scroll down. [or tell me how much you weigh ]
I"m ONLY kidding around .... you don't HAVE to answer any questions .... just post in the comments !!!!I [ but I LOVE the comments you leave .... they're really funny !!!!!!! ] .... so I hope you DO leave a comment . I need some laughs
I will have 'JERRY ' draw a name on May 17 . this Saturday. [at midnight ]
I never told you that Jerry has a twin brother {Jerry}. One Jerry is just a head but his twin brother { Jerry } has an arm. So he will draw the winning name on Saturday night and he will make his appearance here holding the winner's name . So SEE? even if you lose -you win . You get to meet one arm Jerry . Thanks everybody !