I felt awkward and dumb and I didn't have a real idea but I knew I wanted to piece old bits of fabric on the pillow .
So I took an old drawing I did months ago.
I printed her on muslin , and after I printed it ..... I went over all the lines again with ink and then I painted it with acrylics and Inktense . My printer is an okay printer but I am never satisfied with the color . It looks washed out ... so I freshen it up .[which takes forever ] ....
then I pieced all the fabrics and added bits of lace and buttons .
I am happy .... I think I am BACK into pillows !
I absolutely adore your style. It's sort of whimsical with a dark edge! I love it!
Do you mind if I link your blog? I use to be Garden Painter Art, but I took the plunge and officially changed my business name. Now, I'm re-doing my blog. I'd love to link yours, if that's okay.
Gerushia's New World
(Formerly Garden Painter Art)
Yes Kim .... I was wondering what happened to you !
I love your art ... I'll visit your blog
Thanks !!!!!
Lovely pillow.
Thank you Tara AND Janine
I LOVE this new pillow. Love how you changed the style with the added bits. Maybe it's good to forget sometimes...then you come up with a new way of doing something.
Yay! You are back to making pillows again.
My word verification says quirkshi..what the heck?
It's just lovely.
I think YOU are a doll!
You should be happy. This is wonderful!
i love all of your pillows sandy!
ha Suze .... I love weird word verifications
and you're right > it feels strange to change mediums but it's good ..... it sparks more creativity .
and thank you Rebecca , Diane and Melissa
thanks for the compliments !
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