Friday, March 27, 2009

found it .... under the bed

I made this in 1994 ...... I KNEW it was here somewhere ! Yes it was under the bed.
scroll down ...... I have more pillows to show you


Susan said...

Oh-my-gosh. She is stunning. I'm loving her. (But that's not surprising). You are too, too much.

quiltcat said...

glad you found her! she's kinda scary...looks a lot like my late Aunt Grace!

Anonymous said...

oh my, that is really something!!

Theresa said...

What other wonders do you have under your bed??? :)



Cathy said...

So much talent in one person Sandy. You seem able to turn your hand to anything crafty. I love all your dolls but this one is awesome and the two kitty dolls with the green dresses are lovely and as for that rabbit. I hope the galleries pick up soon for you but in the meatime there is Etsy as you say.