Back to cuter dolls
The one in the brown pants has sold .... the one in blue jeans is
available .
I am so happy right now .... the fans are on , they are blowing in COOL air , it's wonderful .
so on these last few hot days .... guess what I've been doing ! I am painting my studio floor .
Years ago I painted it with Benjamin Moore deck paint . It's just a crappy plywood floor .... but this paint made it look great . But it did get dirty , so I'm moving all my junk and going slowly, and painting the room again . It feels so good ..... clean is good .
so I paint an area , make a doll , make dinner , paint an area , eat too much , make a doll etc.
I hope tomorrow is cool . I am not a fan of summer . or cheerful sunshine . It's too much , I mean really ..... overcast gloomy is more my style .