I don't remember this much snow ever ...not in a very long time anyway
Maybe it looks worse looking out the window
there's a little tree on my front yard , I planted it a year ago . I can only see the top branch .
I can't see our cars . wow
even my own art is scaring me , my dolls are scaring me .... ha ha oh boy
I'm okay .
Fear not , for I am with you
Be not afraid for I am thy God
I will comfort you
I will help you
I will uphold you by my victorious right hand.
I think that's right > from Isaiah
okay that helps . thanks God . How do people live without faith in God ?
I don't know how we can shovel all this snow ..... there's no place to put it
How is it where you are ?????
There's so much snow out there
You make me laugh out loud!
O Sandy - I hope you are snuggled up with all those outstanding dolls you create!
Sandy - I am buried in snow, too, but it sounds like you got more. I hope you have power! I hope we keep our power, otherwise, I am not going to shovel anything - hahah! Hang in there! xox Pam
That doll is awesome! We have only had one real snow here in KS. Boo. I want some of your snow! We didn't have any before Christmas so it didn't really feel like Christmas at all!
stay inside little bunny.
forget the snow.
As long as you have power and as long as the pizza delivery guy can get through...you will be ok!
XOXO - Cindi
The weather was so bad here (Maryland) Brian didn't make home from work so he was at his office all night. When he did make it home this am...he got his car stuck one street over from the house. I must say Brian is a Wisconsin boy so he knows how to drive in snow and ice...so it really was bad out there.
Oh no! I do not want you to feel scared, Sandy, and if there was a way to take all that snow off your hand, I would; you know I love it!
Wow, I cannot imagine so much white stuff!!
Who lives in your childhood home now? I am not sure I would want to live right across the street from my old home; what if they plant a type of flower in the front yard that your mom hated? Or painted it the WRONG color? I would have issues...
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