I hope you will read my last post...{ from last night at 2 a.m. }. Now I will show you why I was scared . [ this is for Dixie who is laughing right now , ha ha ]
But Dixie ... I was scared because we are never prepared . LOOK at that BROOM
I took two photos of Mister Red Broom because I can't believe this is our only broom and that's what we used to clean our cars .
and then .... I fell down . Oh .......I got wedged in between the car and a huge mountain of snow .
I couldn't get up . I've fallen and I can't get up. You should have heard me calling for Jesus.
ha ah ha ha
then there's the cheap boots . I stuff them with Stop and Shop bags
and my huge old paint splattered sweat pants that kept falling down ,[ not because I'm skinny ... the elastic is shot ]
and my husband talking about Florida . Are you ready to move NOW ? he says
and he has icicles coming out of his nose [ snot-icles ]
so we shoveled all morning ...the front and the driveway , not even the back stairs .
Oh > another photo here is of my mailbox . My mailbox clown ... made by my artist friend Clem Ruggiero
and see that white house ? It's the house I grew up in ..... it's right across the street
That is the porch I stood on , in my stupid prom dress , in my dopey wedding gown
I feel MUCH better now . at least we shoveled . now I hear snow is coming this weekend and then a big one next Wednesday ? [ maybe ]
I really really should , one of these days , buy important things , ya know ? ..... instead of buying fabric and ....stuff to make doll hair from .
the other day I went to Staples and bought $20.00 worth of magic markers
I should have bought a broom and a new shovel and new pants and real boots .
I have to work on my priorities
Sandy - you are so funny, and I know EXACTLY how that feels (falling and not getting up). Last big snowstorm here, I got all artsy fartsy and decided to go out and take a photo of this really beautiful tree with snow on it. I fell in a HOLE that my %$#%$# dog had dug in the summer, and I hadn't known about. While I am stuck in the hole, my dog is jumping up and down from the excitement, licking my head and stepping on me. I think she thought I had finally decided to become a dog. I felt so stupid. I could tell you more stupid snow stories, but you probably need to get back to work with that red shovel - hahahahah! xoxo Pam
Ha ha Pam
I did get a moment of FEAR .... I thought > I REALLY don't think I can get up !
I guess your dog isn't like Lassie ? He wouldn't have gone for help ??
ha ha
He would just keep jumping and licking you !!!!!
my cats were watching from the window
I love your priorities, I love your childhood house, and your winter wonderland, and your wonderful stories!!
Oh, Sandy. Yes, we have lots of snow, too and following that got -15 degree weather. Makes me think WHAT my ancestors were thinking when they moved here from Massachusetts.
I am called "Storm Central" because when we had the big ice storm back in 1998 I bought cupcakes in preparation. Not batteries or flashlights or drinking water. Cupcakes. I will never ever live that down. The whole region was without power for days on end. But we had cupcakes by golly.
And one more thing. Wow am I chatty. Once I tripped going into my dad's camp at the lake. Fell just like a log. My son with autism was looking down at me and asked, "What are you doing down there?"
dicryel is the security word this time.
Hi Susan ! It must be beautiful in Central Park ! yes ?
and Dixie
funny stories > thank you
I just made corn muffins
I WISH they were cupcakes
ha ha
I LOVE YOU. what a perfect post miss sandy!!!!!!! how funny you are.
you are me. i have that same broom...the one that is broken and we keep moving from state to state with over and over and refuse to throw away. i too have the world's worst snow boots. i found them for $4 at a thrift store and they are so flimsy, i slip and fall all the time when i wear them!!!! i do not stuff shopping bags in them, but if i could, i would. how funny...lol.
at least you sweep your car. i just turn mine on and let it run forever.
i spend all my lil savings on junk and TOTALLY NOT on brooms, shoes and good snow clothes!!! are you kidding? if i did that, i wouldn't have any good junk to play in!!!!
hang in there with all that snow. you all got hit hard!!! don't fall anymore....use that broom as a cane to navigate your way across those icy sidewalks and walkways. haha.
love the mailbox snowman. and al gore...really....you are way too much.
thanks for cheering my day!!!!!
Wow! Love the pictures. Looks like you got more snow than we did in northeast PA.
Oh my goodness! I might have to come rescue you and bring you to SoCal to thaw out and dry up. No snot-cicles here! hee hee You're a riot, even in your fear. If I ever have to get stuck in a blizzard or elevator or deserted island or sinking ship, I want you to be with me. I think we'd have a hoot! We'd be fully prepared with lots of art supplies too - no shovel, matches, life vests, or the like. We'd "MacGyver" our way out with markers, glue, paper, and paint. Hope you warm up and get a break in the weather!
(got my beautiful doll! I'll write you an Etsy note . . . I love her so much!)
I'm sure you've seen those poster's "Stay Calm and Carry On"?
I saw a new poster that says "Panic and Freak Out"!
Yep! that's what I'd be doing! Freaking Out! Wow, that's alot of snow!
The first big snowfall of the year I was walking around in my stupid "Shape-Up Tennis shoes with Target bags wrapped around my feet! Like you, I had cash for thrifting and junkin' but no winter boots! But I have them now!(Hey, they might be marked down now! tee hee!)
Be CAREFUL out there!
XOXO - Cindi
jeez! you DID get a lot more snow and YES, we are getting more this week. I'm so depressed! I have pants that stay up, a few good shovels and a pair of good boots but I'm still not very happy. Tell your husband that if you don't want to move to Florida, I'll go with him:)
Right now...I'll trade you!!!! LOL
When this Blizzard of 2011 is over here in Iowa...lets compare snow totals....I bet ya win...
And I am scared because my shop opens April 1st...YIKES...if this keeps up, I won't open til June.
Hugs and Stay Warm, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters...and living in Iowa, by choice....silly me)
Hello Sandy!
Thanks for stopping by my blog last!
Snow snow and more snow is coming yikes! So much snow here. Keep safe and warm dear! lOVE YOUR CREATIONS!!!!!
This post had me in stitches Sandy. You are a tonic for anyone who is feeling a bit down. Your snow antics are amazing and I hope you were not hurt in the kerfuffle.
On a more serious note I really hope all you folk across the pond are safe over the next few days when the weather is supposed to be horrendous. What on earth is happening to the world's weather at the moment? It has gone mad all over the globe. It is scary. Take care anyway.
Great new shop. Lovely art as always from you and thanks for the lovely comments about my shop. It seems to take quite a while to get things started but I hope I will get there in the end.
Bye for now
Oh, Sandy Sandy. I could not deal with all this snow. I lived in Mt. Clemens, MI for four years when Joe was in the Coast Guard. I was younger then and didn't seem to mind shoveling and scraping the car and having the car tires frozen to the driveway and frozen snot in your nose and wet boots and drippy snow covered clothes when you come back in the house. I have fond memories, but I'm so glad they are memories. Take care of yourself. Spring is coming one way or another!
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