Sugar had a big SH sound
so Ma ..... NUTS to this
This post is for my mom in heaven and two blog friends
visit them both > you will love them
Vintage Sue > her blog [ she's funny and does great fun decorating and 'junkin' ]
Lynne Hoppe > her art blog [ so talented and my new Tolstoy buddy ]
so > this is what is making me nuts
LIFE before [ without ] Etsy
read books
visit friends
clean and decorate my house [ putz around ] ........ garden too
draw for hours
go for walks
wear normal clothes
go to real stores . besides consignment shops
LIFE with Etsy
do Etsy
think Etsy
write Etsy emails
take a thousand photos for Etsy
make little extra thank you gifts for Etsy customers
worry about Etsy
do Flickr for Etsy
do Facebook for Etsy
do Twitter for Etsy
etcetera ......... or my new word is ..... etsy-etera
ha ah ha ha ..........
I am SO SO grateful to have an Etsy shop ......... but it's making me nuts
I have to go back to the things that made me happy before etsy .
does Etsy make you nuts ? are you spending SO much time on the computer ?
Did your mother say NUTS and SUGAR instead of swearing ?
I think I miss reading the most ........ I love Tolstoy
If you have never read his work , take an Etsy break and read anything by him
have a good day
OH >>>>>>>> I just listed new dolls in my ETSY shop
Etsy didn't work for me. Mostly because I didn't want to put that much effort into it. Your site looks great and it's obviously working for you. I took early retirement so I could slack off on the paperwork and trips to the post office that Etsy calls for and I'm glad I did. By the way, unfortunately, my Mom wouldn't substitute anything for her curse words. This was quite apparent during her final stay at the hospital. Yikes. Ahhh, Mom...RIP.
oh Susan ..... ha ha
Etsy is too much . I'm amazed how much time I put into it
but I have to ... I need the money and all the wonderful little shops have closed
it's like Etsy is the only thing to do
sorry about your mom .... that's not funny but it's funny if you know what I mean
I mean ....... I 'get' that
hee! yes, my father in particular said sugar, and i always thought it was funny because i felt i could see what he really wanted to say. ; )
etsy, yes, that is a lot of work... i have stopped doing it for now. for years i sold my lampwork beads on ebay, and then i got so burned out that i didn't want to make beads any more. so i'm very careful about selling what i paint/draw - i feel like i 'killed' my love for lampworking by pushing the selling thing as much as i did. the muse just went away...
you have a lovely, etsy, sandy... it just shines...
Sandi LOLOL!!! I thought this was the funniest (truest) post I ever read...until I saw the Carnival Pig! I thought I laughed my ass off, but that was just wishful thinking...kinda like 'my eyes are bigger than my stomach'
Oh my Sandy I am there, yes I am! I want to make Etsy a lot more than it is now but life keeps interfering....I too need the money, badly. I live alone on disability and selling my art is how I pay for vet bills for my rescued animals. And someday God willing I may be able to save enough for a down payment on a little place for me and my fur babies.
My mom said sugar and nuts also and being part French from Montreal she had a few French curses that don't really translate well into English, like Tabernacle, Host, and Blood of the Saints! I do the French ones all the time myself..
Have a super day Sandy!
Tina xo
Ahh!!! I am laughing my fanny off! I absolutely love your post! My brother used to yell "crusty nuts" sometimes when we were kids. Odd I know! But it was funny. I am new to Etsy and YES! I am obsessed! It is very time consuming and I try not to get my "self worth" wrapped into it when I haven't had a ton of sales yet. I have spent so much time researching, promoting, etc. I am not producing like I use to. I turned to Etsy because so many of the shows I used to do are gone now. I sell thru a few galleries and have had success - it's such a different artsy world now. I feel like a little fish lost in a big sea. Argh! I really needed to read your post. Thank you for throwing your truth out there!
Cheers Lurena
well THANKS everyone .... I knew it couldn't be just me
I DO let it [ etsy ] affect my mood
so I have to watch that !
ditto!!!! oh sandy, i am glad you said it....the life after ETSY. i always tell people i am way more afraid of success than failure. success comes with a track record of responsibility and expectations...along with the gratitude. it is a constant hustle!! failure means you can go back to bed and read a book, oh...and take a bath and take a walk.
yes....NUTS as it is...i believe it so.
cheers to your sweet mom!!!! sugar and nuts is way better than what i say in front of my kids. i will try harder.
take care and good luck with all your work. and it is work.
I am noticing a slow drain of many blogging/Etsy friends who are pulling the plug, so to speak. Just not enough time to keep site up to speed, and do your art too. I just pulled my stuff for a while...If I sold something, I probably wouldn't notice it for a month or so!
Oh my goodness! Don't you dare leave Etsy yet! I just gave all the info to hubby and daughter so that they could buy your dolls for me instead of flowers or candy or other stupid stuff and so I could forever collect your dolls! I'm obsessed with them now! I want them all and plan to grow a huge collection of them!
No really. I know. Etsy is a lot of work. I work it from the moment I get up until I go to bed. But, I think it's just a little place to get started. I have a feeling, my dear talented lady, that you are going to outgrow Etsy one of these days and be selling things as fast as you can make them in an even bigger arena. YOU are going to be bigger than I think you know. I predict it!
So keep things simple, don't overdue it when mailing things - your work is amazing as is and doesn't need any extra fluff. Put things "on vacation" when you need a day or two Etsy free. The longer you do it, the short cuts you'll find. I am your new biggest fan!
My favorite swear word, handed down to me from my father (who passed away just about a year ago now) is: PHOOEY!
Hang in there! You're amazing!
Your post made me laugh, Sandy! Etsy is a time sucker for sure!
My mom's favorite curse phrase was "dad burn it". I find myself saying to once in awhile. Weird.
I can so relate to this! Great post!
thanks everybody !!!!!!!
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