and then ...
the amazing cat head . [ work in progress ]...............................
Baby Em and Juliette are not impressed .
and then .... clown man doll.
[ a work in progress ].
and then .....
my mom is a weird pincushion head
[ another work in progress ]
I was so happy today > a really nice lady in Ohio bought the TWO fabric art dolls below . The rabbit AND the cat ! >>>>>> So I ran downstairs to tell my husband . As I was telling him , he was looking at me like I was such a weirdo . When I finished my story .... he said .... 'Do you know that you have your sweater on inside out , AND backwards ! You can't even dress yourself !' [ he said with love .] ha ha
It was true .... my old sweater , so I turned it around, but it's still inside out .
I can't wait to work on more dolls and pincushion heads .
I hope you have a nice day too !
I should say>> Michael was really happy that I was so happy . I just think even after thirty something years ... he still can't believe it .

Oh, congratulations! Hey, at least you were clothed!
Too funny!
I do that all the time. I tell myself it's the mark of a creative woman!
I love that you stick pins in your Be Good head.
I was trying to put some seed packets in my sweater in the garden just yesterday, funny thing the pocket was on the inside! Hopefully we keep that stuff at home.
Next time tell Michael you were making a fashion statement. :) Also all the work your doing looks great. Congratulations on the dolls selling... I knew they would. :)
congratulations on the two dolls selling! they really were awesome, and i hope you continue in that line (and send pics to some of the artsy, sophisticated doll magazines). The cat head WIP is really neat, as are you two lovely cats in boxes...cats like to snoopervise but they're not very good critics.
Congrats on the dolls selling, that is so cool. I love all your works in progress and you certainly do have a handsome cat model. Tell hubs not to worry until you try getting in the wrong car the next time the two of you go out. Take care.
We creative people don't have time to worry about mundane things like wearing our clothes right side out! :-)
Love the dollies and kitties! You've been having fun!!
LOL Sandy!
you always make me smile!
Hi Sandy - Thanks for stopping by my blog. I saw one of your clocks on the wall of Heidi Shaulis studio, looked great! Cat & rabbit dolls are cute. You made me smile about the sweater.
I love your work and I totally believe in you.
That is so funny about your husband. Cute.
Love Renee xoxo
I'm a fan of your work :)
Everything you do is wonderful Sandy. Those sculpted heads all have your recognisable style. I love those rabbits and the cat is wonderful too...oh and your real cats are gorgeous. Congrats on the sales and did you know it is supposed to be lucky to have your clothes on inside out, providing you did it without knowing. My dad told me that...lol.
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