Wonderful work! I just found your blog through Diane Hoeptner's blog, and I've bookmarked you under my 'favorites' so I'll be back soon! Thank you for sharing your creativity with the world! Joan
the doll is really really well done, she really has its own personality. We can't create with nothing,for nothing, I think there is always sth behind, sth strong, sth to love, ...
I live in Connecticut with one husband and 4 cats. I have work for sale in my Etsy shop and in galleries in the U.S. If you have any questions about a specific piece .... please email me . My work is considered as Contemporary Folk Art or sometimes as outsider art. One of my paintings is in the permanent collection of The Hurn Museum of Contemporary Folk Art in Georgia. My paintings have appeared in Raw Vision magazine and Folk Art messenger magazine .
Cavalier Gallery...... 2007 - 2011
Christopher Park Gallery. [ currently ]
The Beverly Kaye Gallery. [ currently ]
Checkered House Gallery [ 2007 - 2010 ]
America Oh Yes [ 2005 - 2008 ]
Greenwich Workshop ... [ Top 40 small works 2008 and 2009 ]
All work is copyright protected ...
thank you.
and thank you for visiting .
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I would love to hear from you .
oh she is wonderful sandy!
the details are perfect! i love th stockings and shoes!
Oh Sandy she is wonderful... she makes one want to smile. :)
Really cool! Love the detail work, the striped stockings, and that she's not at all scary *g*.
Wonderful work! I just found your blog through Diane Hoeptner's blog, and I've bookmarked you under my 'favorites' so I'll be back soon! Thank you for sharing your creativity with the world!
Ha ha Thank you !
I really tried to make her LESS scary . I painted her face four times
She still scares me .
thank you for visiting and for your comments !!!!!!!!!!
I think she's sweet. Is that why she reminds you of your Mom? Or is it her size? Just wondering.
I am so sorry.
Your mother had no chin.
Well, at least she didn't have to shave it.
I love her! She looks very sure of herself!
the doll is really really well done, she really has its own personality. We can't create with nothing,for nothing, I think there is always sth behind, sth strong, sth to love, ...
She is great. Love the detail and it looks like you are having fun!
Not scary at all. I think it is funny that she reminds you of your mom. Nice.
That gave me quite a chuckle...your dolls reminding you of your mother. Well, they are wonderful, I hope you know. I love them!
I love everything you do Sandy but this doll with the long black pigtails is so special. Gorgeous details.
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