I live in Connecticut with one husband and 4 cats. I have work for sale in my Etsy shop and in galleries in the U.S. If you have any questions about a specific piece .... please email me . My work is considered as Contemporary Folk Art or sometimes as outsider art. One of my paintings is in the permanent collection of The Hurn Museum of Contemporary Folk Art in Georgia. My paintings have appeared in Raw Vision magazine and Folk Art messenger magazine .
Cavalier Gallery...... 2007 - 2011
Christopher Park Gallery. [ currently ]
The Beverly Kaye Gallery. [ currently ]
Checkered House Gallery [ 2007 - 2010 ]
America Oh Yes [ 2005 - 2008 ]
Greenwich Workshop ... [ Top 40 small works 2008 and 2009 ]
All work is copyright protected ...
thank you.
and thank you for visiting .
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I would love to hear from you .
Some play on American Gothic?
Spot On?
Very cute. Your work continues to amaze me!
Another GREAT pillow Sandy!!! The dogs face is amazing. :)
they're saying, it's 2am... we're sleepy...you're seeing spots...
hi sandy!
oh my gosh! i love it!
Seeing Spots at 2 a.m.
Spot on
I have to admit I was having a glass of wine too
so these two fit !
and I like something on American Gothic but still... nothing comes to my mind
maybe it's saying "put me under the bed with the rest of the ....
stuff .
I was also thinking Spots or Spots & Dots. It's adorable! I want that one too! I received mine today and I just LOVE it! Thank you Sandy!!
xo suze
I like this one the best :
' SPOT and DOT "
don't you think so ?
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