My work is in this WONDERFUL book ..... click the photos to ENLARGE
I've been intending to write about this since DECEMBER 2010 .... but haven't .....because
of that "overwhelm" problem I have .
This is a book by Chrissie Grace . it's called Sharing Stitches . There are many Etsy artists in this beautiful book ...... including ME !!!!
I contributed three designs [ with instructions ]
It's really a well done , beautiful book with many projects and I am so pleased to part of this .
You can go to Amazon and take a look [ a peek inside ]
I bet you will want to buy it . I know you will like it.
In the back of the book there are bios on each artist . There you will see me .... and JERRY !!!!
Yes .... Jerry wanted to get in on the fun
so please take a look at this book at your bookstore or Amazon .
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