I made a girl bunny doll yesterday and I just finished a boy bunny doll [ no photo yet ]
I will try to get these two new dolls in my shop by this weekend
It's been so long since I blogged ! I don't think I've ever gone this long without writing .
I'm still mad ..... frustrated too
I always think my middle name should be Overwhelm . Sandy Overwhelm Mastroni
but maybe I should add 'greedy' ?
There's SO much I want to do ..... I want to READ [ like I used to do ] .... I want to paint more involved paintings [ like I used to do ]
I want to make cool curtains ..... paint a wall , clean the house
But I really miss reading the most
and the days fly by .
I PLAN to do a give away soon .... so please come back again . Not sure when I will do this , but SOON
I miss you . OH > and I've been having a problem keeping up on everyone's blogs , because my computer is slow to load a blog . Why is this happening ? I have to keep hitting refresh and it still doesn't load , so I get mad and just leave . does this happen to you ? I have an APPLE which I still LOVE , it's only slow with loading up blogs .
This Saturday there is book sale two streets over from me . Like I need more books .
but I'm always looking for that book that makes my heart beat fast , maybe another classic
or one to rip pages out to draw on .
well ... it's late
have a happy Friday ! and a good weekend !